Popote : French expression for popular and homemade cuisine.

POP-POT is a sustainable caterer based in Brussels and initiated by three food lovers: Alessandra, Giampietro and Pauline.

POP-POT is all about merging and sharing world cuisine thanks to:

  • Colourful dishes inspired by our traditions and our travels;
  • Homemade recipes with mainly organic, local, seasonal products;
  • Healthy food with well-balanced flavours to eat one’s fill.

We are constantly looking for alternative solutions to reduce waste in general: by using recycled or reusable tableware, by composting organic waste, by collecting and distributing unsold products from bio markets...

We are also developing great collaborations with private and public partners in Brussels to promote sustainable food.

POP-POT has won relevant grants:

  • Bourse Économie Circulaire from Village Partenaire;
  • Bourse Zéro Déchet from Bruxelles Environnement with the BoK project and reuse glass jar for take-away dishes;
  • Bourse Local and Together from the Brussels Region for the associative project Upcycling Chaussée de Charleroi with local shops.

Fancy a new yummy experience ? Contact us for your next event: info@pop-pot.com


Het engagement van deze actor

  • Bevoorrading : ster
  • Zelfgemaakt : sterren
  • Voedselverspilling : ster
  • Seizoensgerechten : sterren
1 ster = aanzienlijke inspanning; 5 sterren = voorbeeldige inzet
Bekijk het engagement


Traiteur zonder toonbank


Eieren en zuivelproducten
Bereide schotels
Vlees en vis


Verkoopt aan particulieren
Verkoopt aan professionelen

Praktische info

Rue Berthelot 106-108, boite 6
1190 Forest